Friday, December 16, 2011

RaNdOm RaW pHoToGrApHy

Saturday, December 10, 2011

SeLeCtIvE CoLoR PiCtUrEs!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Grey Shades And Macro

Water Droplets..

Once Alive....

Street Photography...

Black And White flowers...


Monday, November 21, 2011

Cake: My Friend's Birthday... Yummy!

Just Celebrated My Room-mates' Birthday. Clicked some shots before Cutting the Cake. Yummy!

Subject: The cake looks soft and crisp at the same time, have a look  at the Ground-Nut crush texture. 

 Subject : Of course the BIRTHDAY BOY.. Himanshu Chaudhary

Suject: The Cake, from a different angle.

Subject: The Ground-nut Crush Surface.

 Subject: The Candles' flame.

Subject: The Creamy Chocolate Cake layers, Don't they look yummy. It was as yummy as it looks like!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Ode to Nature and Macro Photography

 I was walking around with my camera when i suddenly noticed someone looking at me :O

This is a very tiny flower i noticed on the grass floor. The flower is 1/4 of an inch :)

Just a random shrub...

This is a very tiny flower i noticed on the grass floor. The flower is 1/4 of an inch too, i noticed it while i was sitting on the grass.. to see the REAL SIZE of the pic look at pic No.5 of the Album :)

Just a random tiny plant.. nearly an inch big.

This is the photo i was talking about... in pic #3

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Macro Photography: My 1st attempt.

 Grass Floors.. These leaves are less than half inch big.

 Grass Floors: Subject None.. Just a random pic.

 Subject : The Butterfly, But it is so small that i had to chase it for 15 minutes to get a proper photograph.

 Subject: Fluffy Flowers.

 Subject: Fluffy Flowers.

 Subject: The White Flower, Of lemon tree. The flower is a Quarter Inch big.

 Subject: The White Flower, Of lemon tree. The flower is a Quarter Inch big.

Subject: The White Flower, Of lemon tree. The flower is a Quarter Inch big.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kolkata: City of Joy...(Oldie Version)

City Heights!!

The Remains!!

The Beautiful Sky!

City Heights
 Vivekananda Setu, Howrah!

The Howrah Bridge #1